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Want to contribute to Anonymiss?

Send us your story idea:

Anonymiss is an online publication for millenial women who are looking for content related to what they're experiencing in life, from a trusted source. What is it about? Short snippets of life, sex and relating.

Become a guest writer on Anonymiss


Our style is relaxed, but formal. Write how you’d talk to a best friend. A voice of truth, turn on, from your most empowered self. From your most hilarious self. We’re steering away from long form. Articles are 400-600 words per piece. If it’s more than that, we may release it in parts.

You can publish under your name or a pseudonym. Watch Minx for some inspiring pseudonym ideas. VERY NB: Publishing of submitted content is at the discretion of the editor. At the moment, we do not offer compensation for submissions.

Join our community of bloggers

Submit your idea. Email us a few sentences telling us what your piece is about. Then we’ll let you know whether it’s a good fit. 

Have you got questions, comments or suggestions – let us know.

Thanks for submitting!

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